What We DoMPVR’s mission is to raise awareness and educate citizens and lawmakers regarding the basic human right to informed voluntary consent in vaccine risk-taking.
Mississippi has the most oppressive childhood vaccine laws in the country which violate the civil rights of conscience and religion. 48 other healthier states have given parents options in vaccine decision making for decades, since vaccine mandates began. Mississippi bureaucracy is proud of our track record, always being first in the nation in vaccine coverage rates. They achieve this by imposing extreme draconian vaccine laws and policies on our families. This causes great hardship on many Mississippians, forcing them to leave the workforce to stay home with their children, or worse, to uproot from generations of family and leave the state. We are both outraged and ashamed at the bureaucratic abuse of Mississippi families. If you are interested in helping further this cause, please join Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights today. About Mississippi’s Vaccine LawsMississippi only offers a difficult to obtain medical exemption. Other states, including all of our bordering states, offer both medical and non-medical exemptions to the vaccine schedule.
Mississippi children are likely the most heavily vaccinated in the world. The USA gives more vaccines to children than any other country, while Mississippi leads the USA in coverage rates. The reason for “exemplary” coverage rates in MS is the strict enforcement of inflexible draconian vaccine laws. How Are MS’s Medical Exemption Laws Different?All across the nation, vaccination waivers for medical reasons are written and submitted by a child’s doctor, who may practice anywhere in the United States.
In Mississippi, a child's doctor does not have authority to grant a medical exemption for a vaccine vulnerable child. Instead, doctors must apply for an exemption approval with the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH). A health department bureaucrat who has never examined your child, his medical records, or family history, may then arbitrarily grant or deny your doctor’s request for medical exemption. Unlike the rest of the United States, MSDH considers applications from Mississippi licensed doctors only. What About Non-Medical Exemptions?Mississippi denies parents any options to the vaccine schedule without discrimination and access to public/private daycare or school. Other states, including all of our bordering states, offer both medical and non-medical exemptions to the vaccine schedule. Some states offer personal belief exemptions (pbe) and some offer religious, several offer both.
Is MPVR Anti-Vaccine?MPVR advocates for vaccine safety and informed voluntaryconsent. Some of our families have fully vaccinated children,while some delay, and some selectively vaccinate. We advocatefor ALL. Our organization’s purpose is not against vaccines.